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BlogExpress is a full-featured .NET application for content syndication (as also called a news aggregator or a blog reader). BlogExpr
 » Home » Internet » News » BlogExpress 1.56.2
License: Freeware
Version: 1.56.2
System: Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 557KB
Date Released: August 20, 2004
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1517
Date added: Sep 25, 2005
Click here to Download
BlogExpress is a full-featured .NET application for content syndication (as also called a news aggregator or a blog reader). BlogExpress supports all RSS versions. It can read contents from any Weblogs (a.k.a., blog) and any Websites that provide XML files for content syndication (generally, a file with .rss, .rdf, or .xml extension).

BlogExpress is so easy to use. It is carefully designed for high usability. Information readability is one of our primary goals for building this application. Proudly, the result comes out such that you can grab information displayed in BlogExpress faster than other leading content syndication applications in the market.

Additionally, BlogExpress has a built-in Web Tab feature in which you can use it to view any Web pages directly without leaving BlogExpress for a Web browser. This feature saves you some seconds for each link you click to view. Those seconds in a long run are hours of your time that you get back from using BlogExpress.

For a blog writer, you can open a Web Tab to post to your server-based blog tool (such as Movable Type,, or AOL Journal). No need for a separate Web browser window to clutter your desktop anymore!
In sum, BlogExpress help you manage more information from the Web with less time!

Key Features:
- supports all versions of RSS (0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, and 2.0) and ATOM 0.3
- is complied with usability guidelines for designing highly usable software
- is designed for high readability
- summarizes new items for fast glance
- can import and export OPML for subscriptions
- can export subscriptions into HTML
- has the built-in Web Tab function for fast viewing Web pages
- can detect unsolicited banners from intrusive Websites
- supports drag-and-drop subscription from a Web page
- is configurable to display the tree panel in the left or right side
- sends emails directly from Web Tabs
- supports off-line reading


So far, nothing for that!


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